Be Alert of Phishing Attacks

Quick Guide

This edition of our newsletter includes:

  • Be Alert of Phishing Attacks
  • Panel Discussion: The Impact of Digital Transformation On the Legal Sector
  • Benefits of Colocation


Phishing attacks are one of the most common security challenges companies and individuals face when it comes to keeping their information safe.

3 popular phishing scams are:

Mass Phishing: This attack does not target a specific person, but instead attempts to access all of someone’s sensitive information internally.
Spear phishing: These emails are personalized and appear to come from an acquaintance of the recipient, such as a colleague or company manager.
Whale phishing: This threat specifically targets a small number of business leaders and high-value employees.

Protect yourself and your organization using the RESTT Test:

  • ‘R’: a request is made for your personal information.
  • ‘E’: stands for emotion. They play on your emotions. For example, “click here or you’ll lose your benefits.” Or “Give-away coupons. Click here and get yours now”.
  • ‘S’: stands for spelling. Watch out for grammatical errors.
  • ‘T’: Stands for think before you click.
  • And finally we add a ‘T’, which stands for terminate. Delete such emails immediately from your inbox.



Want to learn more about how digital transformation has impacted the legal sector? Be sure to check out our panel discussion which was done by 3 amazing and powerful Attorneys at Law:

☑️ Mr. Elleson Fraenk, Attorney at Law /Trademark Agent at Vision Legalis
☑️ Mr. Sardha Sitaram, Attorney at Law at S&C Sitaram
☑️ Mr. Didi Wildeman, Attorney at Law & Mediator at Wildeman Legal & Mediation

The moderator for this panel discussion was Rajiv Hieralal, Ecosystem Builder at Silicon Dorp.

Watch the full video below.


Our Colocation service provides small and large organizations the proper space to store or expand their infrastructure without making a big investment. Your Business will also enjoy benefits that may not be accessible or affordable when managing in-house.

Over a period of 5 years, your business saves up to 60% in costs with our colocation solution in comparison to building an in-house server room. Ready to take the first step?

Check out the Business benefits of Colocation and let our team help you get the best out of this service. Contact us at [email protected] for more information.

Whitney de Rijp, MBA in Innovation and Technology.
Whitney de Rijp is a young driven Surinamese woman. She has been working at Datasur for over 6 years. Together with her top team, they ensure that customer data is stored securely all over the world which helps them focus on their core business.

Integrity, authenticity and just being herself is the mode for success as a Commercial Affairs Manager. Furthermore, she finds it very important to maximize effectiveness and of course lead by example. For both the internal and the external organization she is very transparent, which also fosters loyalty and engagement with the company goals.

Jurgen Schmeltz has as a Bachelor's degree in Information and Communication Technology and several IT certifications. His IT career started in Johannesburg, South Africa at IBM where he gained international experience for 5 years. When he came back to Suriname, he worked for two IT companies and also gained experience in VOIP, Backup Solutions and Microsoft Products.

At the moment Jurgen is a Cloud and Datacenter Infrastructure Specialist with many years of experience in the field of Microsoft Virtualization, Workplace Automation, Backup, Replication and Data Center Infrastructure. He currently holds the position of Operations Manager and is responsible for managing the Datacenter Operations such as Cloud and Network infrastructure.

Furthermore, he is also responsible for managing daily Facility Operations of the Datasur Datacenters and Project Lead for Cloud and Datacenter expansion projects. In his free time he’s a parttime lecturer at the two technical Universities in Suriname.

On behalf of Datasur Jurgen Schmeltz is also chairman of SUR-IX. The Suriname Internet Exchange Point which will be operational before the end of 2022

Sheetal Ganput works as the General Affairs Manager at Datasur. In this role she is part of the management team and reports to the CEO of Datasur.

She is a very self-driven, detail-oriented & hardworking young professional. She has helped to reorganize the company in the field of Office, HRM and Supply Chain Management.

Sheetal has her B.Sc. in Business Management and also completed her M.Sc. completed in Business Management with a specialization in Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Leadership. She is very progressive and is currently doing her Ph.D. study in Leadership & Management

Our CEO, Dr. Anvit Ramlakhan is a prolific strong inspiring inclusive young professional leader from Suriname, working in different fields to contribute for the betterment of humanity and the world. He is an experienced executive with a demonstrated history of working in the ICT industry for several years, with a widespread of skills in operations, quality, risk, project, business, strategy, product portfolio management (just to name a few). At Datasur Anvit oversees the total company performance on strategical level, with a strong focus on business growth, innovation, customer experience and financial profitability.

Furthermore, Anvit contributes to development of the Surinamese youth by lecturing and tutoring at four university study organizations in Suriname on undergraduate and postgraduate levels within study fields such as ICT, Electrical engineering, Organization management, Process management, Business intelligence, MBA, etc.

He has a strong professional background with a cum laude doctorate (Ph.D. in Management- Information and Technology) from the Akamai University in USA, Master of Science (M.Sc.) with merit in Information Systems from Anglia Ruskin University in London, UK and Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Telecommunications from Anton de Kom University in Paramaribo, Suriname. He currently is finishing up his MBA in Strategic Management and Leadership at the London School of International Business, London, UK.

Anvit has several prolific leadership and business certifications, ongoing humanity service, extensive spiritual drive and a personal theme which is as follows: “Continuous progressive successful excellence”. He is part of volunteer organization HSS for 20+ years, through which character molding, collaboration and way of living for the youth is created and augmented.

In January 2022 he has been elected for two years as Chairman of the ICT Association in Suriname, in order to help strategize the sustainable digital economic development of Suriname. Furthermore he also has been elected as Chairman for the Suriname Business Youth Association in June 2021 for a period of two years, whereby development and support of young entrepreneurs and professionals is one of the main goals. Anvit is also part of the presidential working groups on areas of e-Government and wage council.