Get sponsored by Datasur
Datasur Corporate sponsorship
Goal Corporate Sponsorship
The goal is to provide companies with an opportunity to grow through a financial contribution to their programs, events, services or facilities, all in exchange for public recognition.
- Branding Fit – there must be a good match with Datasur’s overall company brand. With the mission, vision and core values of Datasur described above.
- Mission Alignment – the partnership must align with Datasur’s mission.
- Operating result – Datasur must have a measurable operating result through this sponsorship to achieve.
Corporate Sponsorship
Corporate Sponsorships are based on a written commitment. The applicant must state in a clear letter what the sponsor application entails and what the business benefits are that this entails.

Datasur prefers to sponsor projects that

Have common ground with ICT and youth training

Have common ground with ICT and Starting Entrepreneurs

Have common ground with Datasur product portfolio

Have common ground with Datasur's mission/ vision/ value proposition and especially long-term sponsorship.
When does Datasur consider a sponsorship application?
- It is to improve her brand awareness and image within her (ICT) work area
- It contributes to reaching specific (new) target groups
- It supports Datasur’s strategic direction and core values
- The relationship network is maintained/increased
- It contributes to social responsibility and development.

We do not fund the following activities
- Applicants/projects that are under discussion financially, politically, or religiously
- Individuals/ individual sports hobbies
- Parties or events that are in any way related to the theme of alcohol, drugs
- Projects that burden the environment
- Dangerous sports; combat sport, motorsport
- Projects other than those mentioned above, but in the opinion of Datasur ineligible projects.
Furthermore, the following points must be processed in the sponsor application and meet the following requirements:
- Fundraising charities include a brief overview of past projects
- The name and background of the organization or institution submitting the request
- A KKF extract
- The activities for which sponsorship is needed
- The reason for the sponsor request
- Type and size of sponsorship requested
- Explanation of any consideration must be clearly stated
- The sponsorship application must be submitted at least 8-10 weeks before the activity
- Explanation of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) where through Datasur regular
- You will be informed of the progress of sponsoring.
Corporate sponsorship is one-time. A company must submit a sponsorship request with every new program, event.
Sponsor request Datasur
Would you like to submit a sponsor request? Complete this form at least 8-10 weeks in advance with a clear substantiation. Does your application meet our criteria? Then we will assess your request and you will receive a response from us within 5-10 working days.