SEOGS 2022- Datasur open for Business!
It was a great pleasure to participate, together with Telesur, during the Suriname Oil and Gas Summit 2022. Our main focus was to inform visitors about the ready-made or custom–built ICT business solutions that we provide. We engaged in a number of conversations and were able to not only get a better understanding about the Trade visitors their ICT challenges but also the ICT needs they have. With the information gathered our team is busy with a sectorial approach. This will benefit both Datasur and the end consumer.
SEOGS Roundtable Discussion: Investing in Suriname
Participation by Anvit Ramlakhan, CEO Datasur and Chairman ICT-Association Suriname
The main statement of Anvit during the panel discussion was: “Data is the new Oil!”, since without sound, tailor made and top end ICT solutions the Oil and Gas sector will not be able to exploit the relevant natural resources to a maximum.
If we look at the ICT ecosystem the 4P’s concept can be used for reviewing purposes from the internal context of ICT development in Suriname.

From the internal context the external context is derived, based on the 4C’s concept.

The closing statement of Anvit regarding the Suriname Oil and Gas sector in Suriname was: “With the uprising of this sector, especially in the past years, it is essential that we think global, act regional and serve local. Although there are existential economic opportunities, we shouldn’t overlook factors such as sustainability, inclusion and perpetuity”.